Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Appointment at the U.S. Consulate

Today was our appointment at the U.S. Consulate to get Ashlynn's visa.
Our entire trip's itinerary was planned around our 8:30 appointment on
Tuesday, May 21. We took the hotel van to the U.S. Consulate with Molly
and two other families.  The consulate was on the fourth floor of a modern
looking building.  We understand this is a temporary location as it will
be moved to a newly constructed, dedicated building before the end of the
year.  There were lines of Chinese citizens waiting to apply for visas.
The consulate only schedules 24 adoptive families appointments each day so
our wait was short.  After leaving behind our bags and cameras with Molly
and going through the security screening, we waited until our names were
called.  We step to the window, handed over our documents, signed our
names a few times, and we were done.  With all the paper work in place,
Ashlynn's visa will be ready for pick up tomorrow and once we are back on
U.S. soil, Ashlynn will be an U.S. citizen.

After returning to the hotel and a good nap, we set out for some more
shopping on the island.  Yes, Derek and Mason, we even bought a few
surprises for you!

Tonight we took a boat cruise on the river to see the lights of Guangzhou.
It was raining so we enjoyed most of it from inside the ship.  Guangzhou
has many lighted buildings, towers, and bridges so there was a lot to see.
The cruise offered a clown show for the kids.  Ashlynn didn't think much
of the clown but liked the music and the balloon animals.

It's hard to believe it's our last night in China.  While we've been here
almost two weeks, it's gone by so quickly especially our time in Guangzhou
as we've been so busying with appointments and sight-seeing.  We look
forward to telling Ashlynn all about her birthplace as she grows up.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) we start our journey home with an afternoon van ride
to Hong Kong.

Technology has been such a gift on this trip.  Skype and email has been
our frequent connection to home.  We have spoken with the boys every day
over Skype.  It's such a treat to see them each day.  They are doing so
well being away from home and away from us for so many days.  We will
forever be grateful for everyone who has taken such good care of them
while we are away.  We are blessed with such wonderful family and friends.


  1. Yay - she's official! Hope the trip home goes well. Maybe she'll sleep A LOT.

  2. The last leg of your journey Home the Klecker 5. We are counting the hours. Hopefully Ashlynn will sleep through most of it. God be with you as you travel! Love Mom and Dad Lanoue
