Friday, June 7, 2013

Good news!

Our day at the U of M was filled with good news.  We started Wednesday morning at the cleft clinic where we saw a number of specialists.  The doctors will work as a team to recommend a treatment plan for Ashlynn's cleft lip and palate including orthodontic, speech, and ENT.  We are waiting for the official report but the next step will likely be same day surgery in the last week of June to start Ashlynn's lip repair and put tubes in her ears (common with cleft palate patients).  Surgery to repair the palate and finish the lip will be 8 to 10 weeks later. 

Our next stop was the International Adoption Clinic.  The doctor felt Ashlynn was doing very well.  She gave us some strategies for increasing the fat in her diet to help her gain weight (can you imagine the doctor telling you to add butter and cream to your food?).  We also met with an Occupational Therapist who gave us some exercises to help Ashlynn meet important development milestones like rolling over and crawling.  Before leaving this appointment, Ashlynn had to endure a blood draw.  They numbed her arms so we don't think she felt much pain but she was upset by all the unfamiliar people in the room holding down her arms.  It was no fun for any of us!

Our last appointment of the day was with the cardiologist.  Ashlynn's PFO (patent foramen ovale or small hole between the left and right upper chambers of the heart) has not closed since it was found by the doctors in China when she was 3 months old.  However, the tests showed no other heart defects so the doctor had no concerns.  She wants to see Ashlynn again at age 5 but Ashlynn's heart is healthy, she will not need any heart related surgeries, and she is cleared for her lip/palate surgeries.  This was certainly the best news of the day!!

While we were very pleased with all the great news, it was a tough day for Ashlynn.  She cried through most of the exams and procedures.  She missed most of her nap so she was exhausted by the time we got home.  She slept almost 12 hours that night!  Hopefully she'll get more comfortable with each doctor's visit.
Ashlynn also got her first haircut this week.  After the tough day she had with the doctors, we weren't sure what she'd think of getting her hair cut but she surprised us and did really well.  Thanks, Aunt Holly!  Ashlynn liked looking at herself in the mirror and the little snack that Mom kept feeding her helped too.

We have seen such wonderful changes in Ashlynn in the last week.  Each day she shares a bit more of her personality with us.  She charms us with her smiles.  Dad and her brothers have even got her to giggle a few times.  She is getting more comfortable with us holding her.  She has just started to let us hold her while she falls asleep for naps and at night.  This is significant because previously she would cry until we would lie her down with her blanket to fall asleep.  Now that school's out, she is excited to wake up and be greeted by the boys in morning.  She seems to think it's more fun when it's more than just Mom around here. 



  1. Great news regarding Ashlynn! She looks so incredibly happy in her pictures, as do the rest of you. Keep the updates coming! God's blessings to you all.
    Sara W

  2. Well, I'm just glad to see that your faith and kindness endures. Science can come in later. I think her face can be further reconstructed, though; I'm sure both of you do too. Should you commit to that, well, there's a lot of sound advice around, to guide you through such a risky orthodontic venture:)
