Monday, June 24, 2013

Surgery Day

Our day started early.  We arrived at Children's Outpatient Clinic in Minnetonka at 6:15 am.  Ashlynn did really well while the nurses checked her vitals and we changed her into her hospital pajamas.  While playing with some fun new toys, we visited with both doctors (plastic surgeon and ENT) and the anesthesiologist.  At about 7:20, they were ready for Ashlynn.  We were able to hold her while she fell asleep.  She fussed a little but quickly relaxed and went off to dream land.

The entire procedure took just over an hour and we were able to see Ashlynn as she was waking up about 9:00 a.m.  The ENT doctor found her ears to be full of fluid and infection so the tubes were definately needed.  She will need a lot of antibiotic ear drops in the days ahead.  The plastic surgeon said the lip adhesion went well.  "The lip came together nicely".  The best news is that Ashlynn does not need to wear braces on her arms to keep her fingers out of her month as we expected.  The stitches are mostly internal so there is low risk of her pulling at them.  We were relief that it wasn't necessary this time.

Ashlynn was pretty upset coming out of anestesia.  She seemed to be in some pain.  It was a rough few hours but we were finally able to get her comfortable.  We left the hospital about noon.  Ashlynn slept most of the way home and was ready to try some yogert when we got home.  By the end of the day, she was starting to seemed a bit more like the happy girl we know.  Our little girl sure had a tough day!  We are hoping the continued pain medication and a good nights sleep will bring a better day tomorrow.

Thanks for all the supportive messages and prayers sent our way today! And thanks to Aunt Holly and Zach for having Mason and Derek over last night.  They had a great time!
Playing before surgery

Waiting before surgery

After surgery

Bath before bedtime


  1. Such great news, Brandi! Clearly God's work is evident as you continue to get such good reports and results!
    Sara W.

  2. Hello Kleckers, just got caught up on your posts! It's so great that everything is coming together for your family!!!! I can't wait to meet her!!!
    Wondering if you are possibly going to be over to your ma and pa lanoue's place over the 4th? Would love to visit if possible. Give me a cal when you can, hope you are getting enough rest (all of you) : ) Take care and God Bless!!!!
    Amy and all
